Friday, November 21, 2008

after six months of not seeing his child

He decides to go file for custody of his daughter. She is enraged! First, the idea of having a child was a perfect fit for the life she wanted to lead. But since she is not living that life……the continuous “what if” floats in her mind. Not only did he file for custody of their daughter, he has alleged abuse. Her immediate thought as to why he did this was that he was attempting to hurt her. But as she thought about it, it became more evident that he just didn’t want to pay child support. He knows her temper. Knows that she cannot hold her composure when it comes to her daughter. But what he also knows (which he obviously forgot) is that she has the intelligence of Albert Einstein. If she hires an attorney, she will be able to speak for her. Her attorney would also be able to present evidence of the drug charge that he was convicted of…………

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